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What and why we are here

We are a group of enterprises and small businesses working in synergy to accomplish big things. We exist and operate from the Unites-States of America and the Democratic Republic of Congo.




Everything started back in 1998, few months after Mister Franck Yata got introduced in the HTML coding by his mentor, the professor Jean-Robert Bwangoy.  At the time, Mister Yata had the choice to pick from doing computer hardware maintenance, GIS (Geographic Information System) specialist and Webmaster, webdevelopper specialist.


He did some hardware maintenance but very soon decided to stick into the webdevelopment career that quickly made him to create "CongoPub", a web very pionner database listing application to advertise and list local businesses,


Earlier in 2000, he will sell it for $3,000 to who will be the owner of "B-One". He will not only take the full amount of the sale but also will be hired as Manager of "CongoPub", the new created direction at "Bureau International de Consulting", the buyer company.


Through years, in 2023 the Doing Business As "Yata LLC" is legally registered as " Yata Group Limited" in Georgia, USA. It's so called group because it oversees several others business entities between USA and DRC, employing permanents and temporaries in different sectors such entertainment, facilitations and retails.


After all these years, we decided to pursue the idea of contributing in the creation of wealthness among African communities, especially Congolese communities throughout the world.

About us

© 2017-2023 designed by Yata Services

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