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Support Us

Get Involved

Get involved with your money. If you are willing instead to support with a non-money support click here. It does not matter if it will be an one-time support or repetitive support, we recommend you ALSO fill out the Partnership form to have you listed as Partner.


If you are interested in an one-time money support pick one of the 3 ways below but if you want to sign up for a repetitive money support go to Partnership form to continue.


Let's Make A Change

Use one of the first 3 ways to make a monetary donation. The 4th will help you place a Non monetary donation


In Person

Send your paper check at 2302 Parklake Dr. NE Ste 405, Atlanta GA 30345 in order to CONGOLESE OBSERVATORY OF HEALTH


Over the Phone

It's okay to donate over our secured phone line +1-605-592-0712

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