Only Member with active PLAN can add in aA Business Listing or aA Boutique. Plans start from $1.99/month allowing you to add in or modify up to 25 different listing names and 25 others items in aA Boutique. It's like you are paying $0.57 per listing name and Boutique item every month. No one can beat that price, click here to check it out.
Add/Modify item in Boutique, eatery or miscellaneous.

Your business will start showing up on Google Search and other search engines
Lower Price and better result or money back
Customer and visibility growth
25% OFF on Street Advertisement with
So YES, you got it right! One membership covers you for both 10 business listing entities and 10 items in aA Boutique.
Anything you post will go live immediately - remember you are 100% responsible of it - except for Boutique where your item for sale will have to pass a review.